

★「as S + V」「 if S + V 」「when S + V」「 since S + V」などの副詞節の中では、未来のことでも動詞は「現在形」をとります。
If the hurricane hits the coastal area tomorrow, ferry service will have to be canceled.

I wish he were here.
I wish that it were rainy today.


基本型は「If + S + 過去形, S + 助動詞過去 + V」。
If I were an American, I could speak English with no difficulty.
If it weren’t for her help, I would not be able to finish this job.
If only it would stop snowing.
I wish I could buy that car.


基本型は「If + S + had + 過去分詞, S + 助動詞過去 + have + 過去分詞」。
If he had not helped me, my business would have failed.

My business would have failed if he had not helped me.
My business would have failed, had he not helped me.
Had he not helped me, my business would have failed.

★「if」を使った文章での「were to」は「仮に」も意味で仮定法の現在、未来の話に使われます。また、「should」は「万が一」に意味になり主に直接法の現在、未来の話に使われます。

If you were to lose your job, would you be able to find another one?
If you should be interested in my proposal, please contact me.


Should you be interested in my proposal, please contact me.
If you should be interested in my proposal, please contact me.
Please contact me, should you be interested in my proposal.


I could swim very fast when I was young.

★「can」の過去形の「was able to」は「することができて実際にやった」という意味で使われます。
○She was able to pass the exam although it was difficult.
×She could pass the exam although it was difficult.

★「be able to」は「能力、資格」を表すときに使います。「可能性」では使えません。

○I can swim.
○I am able to swim.

○It can be hot in this area in November.
×It is able to be hot in this area in November.

★「could have done」は「やろうと思えばできたが、やらなかった」という意味で使われます。
When she went on a trip to Tokyo, she could have stayed with me, but she put up at a hotel.

★「would like」の過去形は「would have liked」です。
I would have liked to see her when she came to Tokyo yesterday.

★「Would you mind」の使用法の違い。
Would you mind open the door?
Would you mind me open the door?

She won’t go to school.
She wouldn’t go to school.

★「would rather」と「had better」は2語で1つの助動詞と考えるため、否定形の時は注意が必要です。
・would rather
○would rather not
×would not rather

・had better
○had better not
×had not better

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